​What is Hypnobirthing?
Very simply put - it's a mindset that one encompasses for a calm and empowered body, mind and soul birth experience. It is an understanding of how your birthing body works and how best you can support it, so that you can birth in your way, with pride and ownership. Tools and techniques need to be practiced frequently to embed knowledge and understanding.
Am I going to learn how to have a pain-free birth?
Firstly, I don't use the word pain to describe the sensations of labour as the word has negative associations, however, I cannot guarantee a pleasurable birth either, but everyone is different. Your 'pain' might not be mine and visa versa. What I can guarantee is that with proper practice of the techniques and your full investment in Hypnobirthing and what it offers, you will be in control of your pregnancy and birth and will labour with confidence and power.
What is included on the course? Is it split between antenatal and hypnobirthing?
The fluidity of my course allows for everyone to explore hypnobirthing and antenatal together. You will learn about labour, birth, how best to prepare for welcoming your little one etc. Within 4 weeks, you will have understood the real reasons behind society's fears around birth and motherhood, know what is essential in your birth environment, know how to advocate for yourselves during labour and with your healthcare team and most importantly have learnt skills in how to relax your body and mind for a birth that is calm and confident. Making your baby's job a whole lot easier too!
What if it doesn't work?
It will only not work if you aren't in it for the long haul. Hypnobirthing is no easy fix to a 'problem free labour' and nor does it claim to be. For it to work, you need to work at it too. However, this is all explained on session 1 with me and there are of course, a few easy tips that can help.
How many birth partners am I allowed in the classes?
My courses mean learning together and for ease and consistency I like to say bring only one birth partner to the sessions. Birth partner's are hugely important and so to have one person with you who you are entirely comfortable with is perfect.
Are there any payment plans?
An initial deposit will be taken to secure your booking and then the rest of the fee will be charged at your first session. If there are any problems with this plan, don't worry, we can discuss other options for you.
What if I need more time with you after the sessions?
Then more time is what you will have. We can discuss how best to move forward when the initial sessions are complete.​